
Viewing 2019

Ed: This is one of a series of conference notes from the recent LAWCHA conference. If you have reflections from one of the panels or plenaries, please send them along. ...

Ed: This is one of a series of conference notes from the recent LAWCHA conference. If you have reflections from one of the panels or plenaries, please send them along....

 Ed: This is one of a series of conference notes from the recent LAWCHA conference. If you have reflections from one of the panels or plenaries, please send them along. ...

(June 24 marked the anniversary of Brexit. Patrick Dixon, managing editor for Labor,  wittily remembers the moment, and wonders about the ongoing train-wreck.) 19


Every month or so, LaborOnline interviews the author of a new book in labor and working-class history. This month, our series continues with Traci Parker, whose book Department Stores and...