
Viewing 2016

In This Issue Introduction Julie Greene, “Builders of Empire: Rewriting the Labor and Working-Class History of Anglo-American Global Power 19


https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/georgia-board-of-regents-initiate-a-national-search-for-the-president-of-kennesaw-state-university.html 14


The rise of Virginia to national political prominence has been a long time coming. Well before the centrist Tim Kaine was given the nod to become Hillary Clinton’s vice president,...

Given that many working people are also poor, Labor Day is good time to talk about poverty in the United States. But in this election year, with so much with...

In the latest Quinnipiac poll, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are tied in battleground Ohio. This suggests a very close race in Ohio in the fall. Economic issues, especially trade,...

Readers of the LAWCHA blog will be interested in a few of the different leftist interpretations of the meaning of American independence and the revolutionary experience. 16
