Copyright and Citation

LAWCHA’s original materials are for educational purposes only. Commercial use is not allowed. Everything on these websites is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and the Universal Copyright Convention. Maps, charts, photos, drawings, documents, maps, timelines, reports, and articles are the property of the donors, authors, or the project and may not be reproduced except for classroom use as specified below

Teachers and students are granted permission to print materials from these sites provided that LAWCHA is properly credited. Otherwise, nothing on these sites may be reproduced without the written permission of a LAWCHA officer. Scholars may freely use information and quote materials with proper citations. These are educational, non-commercial sites. All materials on these pages (including all texts, images, descriptions, etc.) are for the personal and educational use of scholars, students, and the public. Any commercial use or publication of them without authorization is strictly prohibited.

The Labor and Working-Class History is a 501(c)(3), and thus runs entirely on volunteer effort. That includes our website, which allows a host of users to post content without the direct oversight or discretion of those better versed in digital copyright law.

LAWCHA takes copyright infringement on our website very seriously. If you or your client’s work appears on this site without expressed written and/or paid permission, please email immediately with the following information:

  • The URL of the page with the copyrighted material in question
  • Information about the copyrighted material (e.g., “my/my client’s image is used without permission”, and which image it is)
  • If you are not the original copyright holder, proof of copyright registration and the chain of title for that copyright

If we can verify the above information, we will immediately remove the images in question from our website, our servers, and all of our backups, without question.

LAWCHA provides a service for its users and historians to communicate their ideas to their colleagues. As a result, we are protected from liability via the 17 U.S. Code § 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Provided that the copyright holder submits to us their complaint, we will make a timely, good-faith effort to remove the offending image and reply with a confirmation that the material has been fully removed.

Front page splash images

Our front page splash images are all provided by the National Archives and Records Administration, free of charge; or provided free for non-commercial use under the Creative Commons license.